学术讲座【Nanobiotechnology: applications in liquid biopsy analysis towards cancer diagnosis and treatment response 】

发布者:刘艳琼 发布时间:2024-03-26浏览次数:32


主讲:Yuling Wang, Professor, Macquarie University, Australia
Professor Yuling Wang is an Australian Research Council (ARC) Future Fellow and a member of ARC College of Experts (2022-2024) in the School of Natural Sciences at Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia. Yuling completed her PhD at Changchun Institute for Applied Chemistry, the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2009. She was then awarded an Alexander von Humboldt (AvH) fellowship (2010) and a German Research Foundation (DFG) Fellowship (2012). In 2014, she received the ARC Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (DECRA) fellowship and worked at the University of Queensland. She currently leads a group with 5 postdoctoral research fellows, 1 Research Associate, 10 PhD and 2 Master by research students. She is also a Chief Investigator in the ACRF Centre for Advanced Cancer Modelling and Experimental Oncology (COMET). Her research focuses on platform technologies that use rationally designed nanomaterials and advanced spectroscopic tools for biomarker sensing and cancer molecular profiling, with the aim to enhance in vitro diagnostics and personalized medicine.

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