海外英才分论坛学术报告【Next frontier of building control: the reinforcement learning method for indoor comfort】

发布者:林伟盛 发布时间:2019-05-09浏览次数:118

时  间:201951410:30-11:30
地  点:旗山校区数信大楼511
主  讲:瑞典达拉那大学 韩梦捷 高级讲师
主  办:数学与信息学院


报告摘要:Occupants’window opening and closing behaviour influence significantly in both building energy consumption and indoor comfort. However, such behaviour is complex and hard to predict and control in a conventional way, due to the accumulated and interlinked impacting factors of the environment, physiology, economy and social issues. We propose a novel reinforcement learning (RL) method for the advanced control strategy in window opening and closing. The RL control strategy aims at optimising the time point for window opening and closing through observing and learning from the environment. The basic theory of model-free RL control strategy is firstly developed with the objective of indoor comfort time, which is then applied to field measurement data taken from an office building in China. A preliminary testing of this RL control strategy is subsequently conducted by evaluating the total time located in the indoor comfort zone. The results indicate that the RL control strategy improves thermal and indoor air quality by more than 90% when compared to the actual observed data. We establish a prototype for optimally controlling occupants’ behaviour in window opening and closing that can be further extended by including more environmental parameters and multi objectives.

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