学术讲座【Dynamic broadcasting in wireless networks】

发布者:林伟盛 发布时间:2019-04-16浏览次数:589

时间:2019年4月18日 (星期四)上午 10:00



主办:数学与信息学院, 福建省网络安全与密码技术重点实验室

专家简介:张涌,中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院研究员,IEEE 高级会员,ACM 会员,CCF 高级会员。2007 年,博士毕业于复旦大学计算机系。之后在德国柏林工业大学数学系做博士后,香港大学计算机系任职高级研究员。张涌博士的研究方向包括算法优化、无线网络,分布式计算等,近年来在本领域中国际知名会议和期刊上发表文章超过80 篇。张涌博士近年来承担了多项国家和省部级科研项目,包括国家自然科学基金,科技部国家重点研发计划,中科院重点部署项目等。

报告摘要:Given a network with n nodes. Each node has a message that it wants to deliver to all its neighbors within the communication range R. The number of distinct messages at nodes in the neighborhood of each node is upper bounded by a parameter k (k can be a non-constant). The problem is to make each node receive all distinct messages stored at neighbors, and the objective is minimizing the accomplishment time. In this paper, we consider the Signal-to-Interference-plus-Noise-Ratio (SINR) model, which is used to depict the interference in wireless ad hoc networks. With the help of physical carrier sensing, we give the optimal protocol with the time complexity O(k + \log n).

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